Eyes of the Heart Studio

I See the Truth

This Conte drawing depicts a large human eye, which contains the silhouette of a map of the world, over which is drawn a priest raising the chalice at the moment of Consecration, overshadowed by Jesus on the Cross, with the rays of Divine Mercy emanating from His Heart.

Medium: Chalk and Coloured Pencil

“It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”
~St. Padre Pio

The eyes are the window to the soul.  How blessed is the soul who, looking out upon the world, perceives the Sacred Mysteries at work!

Such a soul sees reality as it truly is, pervaded by God’s mercy. The nations stand in the shadow of the Cross, and though many walk in ignorance of the Saviour, their existence is nevertheless sustained by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – the precious offering throughout the world which makes present the Sacrifice of Calvary.

If God ceased to think of us, we would cease to exist. At every moment He is sustaining us and loving us, and yet how often do we merit not His Mercy but His indignation, straying from the laws of His Kingdom and choosing evil?

Christ is our mediator with the Father, the Sacred Victim whose light shines upon our darkened souls, illuminating the shadowlands of sin with the bright dawn of repentance, forgiveness and transformation. The Father now sees us through the Wounds of His Son, and at every Eucharist, He renews His promise of mercy to us. Having taken the Father’s Justice upon Himself, Christ opens the floodgates of Mercy: the sacred fountain gushing from His pierced Heart, which washes away our impurities and immerses us in grace.

These truths are the focus of reality, which the Holy Spirit longs to bring into clearer and clearer view in our hearts. The Sacrifice of Calvary is the center of human history: the definitive event that procured salvation for the children of Eve.

If we surrender to the grace of Christ, the Cross will become of the center of our personal history too: the reference point of our lives that will enable us to put everything else in perspective, redeem everything – our sins, our brokenness, our suffering, our death – and imbue everything with meaning.

In a word, we will see the truth.